To post an open position, please email [email protected]
March 11th
Professor of Potato Improvement (Assistant, Associate, or Full)
Colorado State Univeristy
The College of Agricultural Sciences at Colorado State University (CSU) invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant/Associate/Full Professor faculty position in potato improvement. This position is expected to be a 65% research, 20% teaching, and 15% service appointment on a 9-month contract. This position’s effort allocation is negotiable with the home academic department.
We seek applications from scientists to continue and develop an innovative potato improvement program at CSU. The successful applicant will be expected to integrate modern and conventional methods to make genetic and genomic discoveries and to improve potato germplasm. Candidates are sought with demonstrated capacity to integrate next-generation technologies and large datasets with classical field-, greenhouse-, and laboratory-based plant improvement approaches in their research program. Candidates should have a strong record of collaborative research, strong program management and leadership skills, and a desire to incorporate new techniques and technologies to advance the field of potato breeding. This work should lead to an improved understanding of genetic and environmental factors that affect potato and it should develop varieties, inbred lines, and hybrids to improve the local and national potato industry, and advance plant improvement theory.
The successful candidate will teach undergraduate and/or graduate level courses in the candidate’s area of expertise. A 20% teaching appointment is equivalent to one 3-credit class and contribution to a second class per year. Graduate student advising, participation with undergraduate research and mentoring, and contributions toward outreach and service activities are expected. Candidates should demonstrate an understanding of Colorado State University’s Principles of Community.
Application deadline for full consideration: 3/24/2025
October 18th
Saad Hafez Presidential Endowed Chair in Nematology - Research Faculty - Extension Specialist (Parma)
University of Idaho - College of Agricultural & Life Sciences
The College of Agricultural and Life Sciences is seeking to hire a Tenured Associate or Full Professor to serve as the Saad Hafez Presidential Endowed Chair for the Department of Entomology, Plant Pathology and Nematology. The purpose of a Presidential Endowed Chair is to recruit and retain faculty with outstanding scholarly records who will provide scholarship and leadership that enhances their department, their college and the university (65%). This is a distinguished faculty position that represents accomplishment, prestige, leadership and good citizenship on campus and in the profession. The faculty selected must continue to perform as exemplary academicians and excellent colleagues. The position will participate in college and university service and leadership (5%). In addition, the Presidential Endowed Chair will provide important outreach (30%) to regional and national stakeholders, including but not limited to agribusiness, commodity groups, producers and policy makers on issues related to nematology in Idaho. Endowment distributions may be used at the discretion of the dean in accordance with current College of Agricultural and Life Sciences policies and procedures for endowed chair positions. Endowed funds will be used to support the presidential endowed chair position and research may include, but is not limited to supporting faculty, students, staff, travel, equipment, and salary enhancements. The chairship will be reviewed for renewal by the dean every five years. Rank and tenure are negotiable based on how the candidate meets the criteria outlined in department and college bylaws.
More Details & Application Link
September 27th
MS+ potato on-farm trial coordinator for trait potato varieties
China Potato Research Center - Beijing
The Church of the Brethren sponsors all-expense paid volunteers to scientific/social positions that promote food production and spread of goodwill. In cooperation with the China Potato Research Center(a state of the art biotech lab) we are looking for a MS+ potato on-farm trial coordinator for trait potato varieties. The first year will be in the Beijing area but if the applicant wishes, the program could expand country-wide and throughout Asia. While a maintenance stipend of $350/Mo , transport, health ins are provided by BVS, room/board is provided by the Beijing Center and spouses are welcome. This is a good position for aspiring scientists, sabbaticals and emeriti.
Any questions, please write [email protected]