Atlantic (Solanum tuberosum)
ORIGIN: Selected from the progeny of a cross between Wauseon and USDA B5141-6 (Lenape) and was tested as B6987-56. Released by USDA breeding program at Beltsville in 1978.
CHARACTERISTICS: A mid season cultivar widely grown for chipping. Marketable yields are moderately high.
Plants are moderately large, with thick, upright stems, and slightly swollen, sparsely pubescent nodes. Leaves are bright, medium green, smooth, and moderately pubescent with prominent wings, large asymmetrical primary leaflets and numerous secondary and tertiary leaflets. Flowers are profuse with green, awl-shaped, pubescent calyx lobes, pale lavender corolla, orange anthers and abundant pollen. Tubers are oval to round with light to-heavy scaly netted skin, moderately shallow eyes, and white flesh. Tuber dormancy is medium-long.
STRENGTHS & WEAKNESSES: With high yield potential, high specific gravity and uniform tuber size and shape, Atlantic is the standard variety for chipping from the field or from very short-term storage. The cultivar is tolerant to scab and Verticillium wilt; resistant to pinkeye; and highly resistant to Race A of golden nematode, virus X and tuber net necrosis. Tubers are susceptible to internal heat necrosis, particularly in sandy soils in warm, dry seasons. Hollow heart in the larger diameter tubers (>.83mm) can be serious in some growing areas.