
Research and Extension Programs

Find the university program to support your research.

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Growers Associations

Many states and territories have their own growers associations to facilitate research and production of potatoes in their location. Learn more about each state or territory's potato production and research.

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Potato Research Advisory Committee (PRAC)

The Potato Research Advisory Committee (PRAC) encourages national collaboration, identifies common research objectives, solicits and evaluates research projects, and creates a focus on a limited number of nationally supported proposals that meet PRAC’s standards.

Learn MoreVisit the Potatoes USA Website

NASS Potato Summaries

Each year, the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) publishes potato estimates of acreage, yield per acre, production, farm disposition, season average price, value, and utilization of sales.

View the NASS Summaries

National Potato Council Statistical Yearbooks

Each year, the National Potato Council releases an Annual Yearbook, highlighting process on the national legislative, regulatory, and marketing priorities. The yearbooks also feature updated U.S. and world potato production and consumption stats, grower and industry contact information, position statements, and program overviews.

View the Yearbooks

Focus on Potato Webcasts

From Grow: Plant Health Exchange​

As an outreach service of The American Phytopathological Society, Grow: Plant Health ExchangeSM serves the needs of all professionals in plant health management with peer-reviewed, impartial information that applies to a broad range of geographies and crops. Their Focus on Potato webcasts provide invaluable information on Agricultural Economics, Agronomic Practices, Diseases, Food Safety, Insects, Irrigation, Nematodes, Pos​tharvest, Precision Agriculture, Seed, Soil Health, Weeds, and more!

View Focus on Potato