Potato Association 2025 Meeting

The Potato Association of America in Madison, Wisconsin USA in 2025

The Potato Association of America invites members, potato researchers, and industry partners to the Association’s annual meeting July 27 to 31, 2025 in Madison, Wisconsin.

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Registration Opens March 2025.

Registration Rates

Your meeting registration includes:

  • 3 days of symposia, concurrent sessions, and posters highlighting best practices in potato breeding, production, integrated pest management, nutrient management, post-harvest physiology, and extension and outreach efforts
  • Networking with PAA members, potato researchers and industry partners
  • Section and committee meetings
  • 3 breakfasts, 2 lunches plus daily nutrition breaks
  • Welcome reception and Tuesday Auction & Dinner
  • PAA Annual Awards Reception & Banquet

Advanced Rates (Ending June 15)

Stay at Meeting Hotels Other Accommodations
Member $549 $649
Nonmember $649 $749
Student Member $69 $69
Single Day- Monday July 28 $149 $149

Regular Rates (Starting June 16)

Stay at Meeting Hotels Other Accommodations
Member $599 $699
Nonmember $699 $799
Student Member $89 $89
Single Day- Monday July 28 $149 $149

Connect and Save with Registration PLUS Membership

Join PAA or renew your membership with your meeting registration and save! Registration PLUS includes Individual ($150) or student ($20) membership.

Advanced Rates (Ending June 15)

Stay at Meeting Hotels Other Accommodations
Registration PLUS $699 $799
Student Registration PLUS $89 $89

Regular Rates (Starting June 16)

Stay at Meeting Hotels Other Accommodations
Registration PLUS $699 $799
Student Registration PLUS $109 $109

Travel from Outside the United States

Applicants should contact the consulate directly to determine wait times or visit the U.S. Visa website.

Customized visa invitation letters can only be issued to confirmed registrants—including those who have paid the meeting registration fees, have submitted an abstract, or are otherwise presenting. When you register for the meeting, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to auto-generate a customized visa invitation letter. If you are unable to register early enough to begin the visa process and have submitted an abstract, please complete the invitation letter request form. Invitation letters generated using the request form are identical to the letters created when registering, however they are manually created and may take up to 5 business days to be processed.

All applicants must be able to qualify for a visa on their own merits. PAA cannot intervene with embassies in other countries on behalf of any meeting participants. If you require an invitation letter prior to registering or if you have additional questions, please contact the PAA Registration Desk.

Abstract Submission

Submission Deadline: April 10, 2025, 11:59 EST


Submission Instructions

You will be asked to create an account in the Asbtract Scorecard portal. Click Join Now to create Your Profile.

  1. Abstract Title
    • 200 characters maximum
    • Capitalize only the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns
    • Registered names and trademarks are not permitted in title
    • Symbols (Greek, math, etc.) must be spelled out, e.g., Beta
  2. Select a primary topic.
  3. Select a secondary topic, if applicable.
  4. Select a preferred presentation type. (Oral, poster, or oral and poster). Depending on the number of submissions received and time constraints, the number of oral presentations may be limited.
  5. Affirmation that at least one author is a current PAA member. (Yes/No)
  6. Would you like to submit this abstract to the student research paper award competition? (Yes/No)
  7. Abstract text. Enter your abstract text limited to 300 words.
  8. Authors
    • Create the list of authors for this submission. Each submission can have only one Presenting Author and up to 10 Co-Authors.
    • To add an author type the author's first name, last name, and email address. Click 'Add Author.'
    • To complete an author's profile:
      • Click on the 'Edit Author' button to complete the profile.
      • A green check mark indicates a complete profile.
      • Once the profile is complete, click 'Save Authors' to complete the task.
      • The first person added will be designated as the Presenting Author, but this role can be changed after multiple authors have been entered.
  9. Edit Profile
    • Enter the required fields for each author
    • Communications regarding the abstract will be sent only to the "Presenting Author"
  10. Copyright
    • By submitting an abstract to PAA for the 109th Annual Meeting, submitters must agree to the following terms & conditions.I agree that the designated presenting author will present the abstract in the selected format and time at the PAA Annual Meeting, July 27-31, 2025 in Madison, Wisconsin, register and pay the associated fees. I understand that failure to complete the above terms will result in the abstract submission being withdrawn.I confirm that this is an original work and that the abstract has not been previously published. I and any contributing authors, as sole proprietors of the abstract, agree to transfer copyright of the abstract to the PAA. Abstracts will be published in American Journal of Potato Research after the meeting takes place.By agreeing, I accept this copyright transfer.


      Non-US Government Submitters:

      I confirm that this is an original work and that the abstract has not been previously published. I and any contributing authors, as sole proprietors of the abstract, agree to transfer copyright of the abstract to the Potato Association of America will be posted online. By agreeing, I accept this copyright transfer.


      US Government Submitters:

      I hereby confirm that the abstract submitted, having been created by an employee or agency of the U.S. government or for some other reason, is not eligible for copyright transfer to PAA, is in the public domain, and as such may be reproduced freely. I acknowledge that PAA is relying on this statement in determining that the work is copyright free.


      Canadian Government Submitters:

      If your work is protected by “© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada,” please add that copyright statement at the end of your abstract.

      I understand that failure to accept the applicable copyright transfer or public domain notice will result in the immediate cancellation of my abstract submission.

  11. Once all tasks are complete with a green circle and white check, click Save Submission, and Submit. When your submission is complete you will receive a receipt for the submission fee and a confirmation email.


Frank L. Haynes Graduate Student Research Award Competition (FLHGSRAC)

The purpose of the research award competition is to promote graduate student participation in PAA through presentation of research papers at the annual meeting. Participants are also encouraged to submit manuscripts for publication in the American Journal of Potato Research.

Submission Deadline: April 10, 2025

General Information

    • Students are required to submit an abstract for oral or poster presentation as the presenting author for papers they wish to enter in the competition. Symposium presentations are not eligible for the research award.
    • Research reported must have been completed while a graduate student.
    • The presenting author must be a PAA graduate student member at the time of submission. For more information on membership, click here.
    • First place winners from previous PAA meetings are not eligible to participate.

Evaluation Criteria

Papers and presentations will be judged on the following basis:

        1. Abstract (16.6%)
        2. Organization (16.6%)
        3. Effective use of time (16.6%)
        4. Effective use of visuals (16.6%)
        5. Presentation style (16.6%)
        6. Impact of the research (16.6%)

Up to five presentation awards may be made at the discretion of the committee in the amount of $1200 for 1st place; $900 for 2nd place; $700 for 3rd place; $600 for 4th place; $500 for 5th place.

One best poster award will be in the amount of $500.

Hotel & Travel

Save when you Stay! Save $100 on your meeting registration when you stay at one of the PAA meeting hotels.

The 109th PAA Annual meeting will be held at the Monona Terrace Community & Convention Center.

Monona Terrace Community & Convention Center
1 John Nolen Dr
Madison, WI 53703


Reservation Deadline: June 26, 2025 or whenever the room block is filled.

Hilton Madison Monona Terrace (Connected to the Monona Terrace via skyway)

Room Rate: $209 single/double occupancy

To Reserve By Phone: Call Hilton reservations at 800-445-8667 or call the hotel directly at 6082555100 and reference the group code: 93S

Embassy Suites by Hilton Madison Downtown

Room Rate: $169

Did You Know?

Booking a room at one of the PAA hotels —under the official meeting room block—benefits you and supports PAA. When you "book within the block," you help keep the meeting registration fees lower, you help our organizations secure future meeting sites, and you enable us to provide some important meeting features that participants have come to enjoy. Please book responsibly.

Hotel Scam Warning

We are aware of companies pretending to be the “official" PAA 2025 housing company, offering special non-refundable rates at meeting hotels, and requesting credit card information. There is NO “official" housing company for PAA Annual Meeting; therefore, NO company is authorized to solicit directly by telephone for hotel bookings or special discounts. We encourage attendees to book their room directly via the link above to receive the PAA special group rate. Please email the PAA Registration Desk if you have any questions or concerns.

Attendees From Outside the United States

Attendees are encouraged to apply for a visa as soon as you are confident you will attend the PAA 109th Annual Meeting. Some consulates may have backlogs in scheduling visa interviews, so applicants should contact the consulate directly to determine wait times or visit the U.S. Visa website.

Customized visa invitation letters can only be issued to confirmed registrants including those who have paid the meeting registration fees, have submitted an abstract, or are otherwise presenting. When you register for the meeting, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to auto-generate a customized visa invitation letter. If you are unable to register early enough to begin the visa process and have submitted an abstract, please complete the invitation letter request form. Invitation letters generated using the request form are identical to the letters created when registering, however they are manually created and may take up to 5 business days to be processed.

All applicants must be able to qualify for a visa on their own merits. PAA invitation letter prior to registering or if you have additional questions, please contact the PAA Registration Desk.


Interested in sponsoring the 2025 Potato Association of America Conference? Connect with industry professionals involved in potato research, extension, production and utilization. Reach out to [Rachel Alvarado, [email protected]] to learn more about the opportunities available or to discuss creating a custom package to maximize your brand exposure! We look forward to seeing you in Madison, WI this July!