
American Journal of Potato Research

The Official Journal of the Potato Association of America

The American Journal of Potato Research (AJPR) is the premier outlet for reporting of scientific advances on the potato. Recognized internationally by contributors and readers, AJPR offers authoritative coverage of scientific developments in potato research.

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European Association for Potato Research

A sister organization to PAA, the EAPR was established in 1957 to promote the exchange of scientific and technical information relating to all facets of potato breeding, production & protection and​ storage & utilization between European countries.

EAPR's journal Potato Research, is available electronically to PAA Members.​

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​​Commercial Potato Production in North America

​​​A PAA Handbook

First published in 1964 by the USDA Agricultural Research Service, this handbook highlights the history, marketing, economics, planting, growth, harvesting and storage of commercial​ potato production. When the publication went out of date in the 1970's, the Extension Committee of PAA identified the need for revision, and the USDA gave permission to do so. PAA has overseen several revisions since then, with the most recent in 2010.

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PAA Insider Newsletter Archive

PAA Insider newsletter debuted in January 1997 with the intent of carrying out what the membership decided at the 1996 summer meetings. Since 2021, the newsletter is exclusively published and sent out through emails to our members.

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