2025 Board Nominations

Get involved! Nominations for positions on the 2025-2026 PAA Board of Directors are now being accepted.

Consider nominating a fellow PAA member and/or yourself for consideration to serve on the PAA Board of Directors. Per the PAA Bylaws, a minimum of two candidates is needed for each open position on the 2025 election ballot. PAA members will receive an electronic ballot to vote in the board election mid-May 2025.


Open Positions on the 2025-2026 PAA Board of Directors

Review roles and responsibilities for Board of Directors and Officer duties as noted in Article V and Article VII of the PAA Bylaws.

  • Vice President (1-year ascension through the presidential lineage, 2025-2028)
  • Secretary (3-year term ending in 2028)
  • 2 Director Seats (each serving a 3-year term ending in 2028)


Candidate Eligibility

  • Candidate must be a member of PAA
  • Candidate must consent to nomination for office


Key Attributes

Potential candidates for the Board of Directors are PAA members who:

  • Believe in the cause and mission of the PAA.
  • Will participate actively as part of the PAA Board of Directors’ team.
  • Are representative of the diversity of the potato industry.
  • Are industry leaders and will interact within the industry on behalf of PAA programs.
  • Demonstrated experience in leadership positions.


Nomination Package Requirements

In addition to completing the electronic nomination form, the following items are also requested:

    1. Qualification & Vision Statement* (pdf file) that highlights the following:
      • Professional Background: Summarize career achievements, education & relevant experiences.
      • Skills & Strengths: Describe relevant experience and skills expertise the candidate would bring to the board, such as strategic decision-making skills, adaptability, networking and communication skills, etc.
      • Previous Leadership Experience: Mention any prior experience on other boards, committees, or relevant leadership roles within PAA committees, if applicable.
      • Vision & Goals: Outline the candidate’s vision for the organization and how they can contribute to reaching the goals and mission of PAA.
    2. CV* (PDF File)
    3. Color Portrait* (accepted file formats: eps, tif, jpg). Image must be at least 300 dpi at a 3” X 4” or larger size, and we ask that you do not closely crop your headshot.
      • *Note if the vision statement, CV and/or photo are not available at the time of nomination, please e-mail them directly to [email protected] by May 1.


Nomination Deadline

Nominations are accepted through April 24, 2025 (midnight CDT).