About PAA
Purpose & Activities
The PAA has as a paramount objective the collection and dissemination of the best available technical and practical information relating to all aspects of potato production, biology, and utilization. The PAA serves as the official professional society for those involved in potato research, extension, production, and utilization. The Association provides opportunities to contribute in one or more of six sections: Breeding & Genetics, Certification, Extension, Production & Management, Plant Protection, Physiology, and Utilization & Marketing.
American Journal of Potato Research
The PAA publishes the American Journal of Potato Research(previously the American Potato Journal) as a means of disseminating the latest information relating to potato science, including breeding and genetics, crop and storage management, marketing, processing, disease and pest control, and new variety releases. Springer Journals and the PAA have established a website for electronic access to the complete library of the American Potato Journal from Vol. 1, 1923 through Vol. 74, 1996, and the American Journal of Potato Research from Vol. 75, 1997 to current. Only members have access to the entire content of articles. Nonmembers can only access abstracts and must pay a fee to see the entire article. If you would like to view the entire article, please consider becoming a member of The PAA.
Annual Meeting
The PAA meets annually, usually in July or August, at selected sites throughout North America and Canada. Research presentations, information exchange, identification of professional contacts, and participation in Association business meetings are key activities of the Annual Meeting. Research, field, and industry tours are highlights of PAA Annual Meetings.An Endowment Fund was established in 1999 to provide funds for special projects of benefit to PAA and the potato industry. Members and non-members are invited to contribute.